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Pro Star Aviation Announces Agreement with Starlink as One of Their First
Pro Star Aviation, an innovative aerospace modification center, is pleased to announce it has signed an agreement with SpaceX’s Starlink as an Authorized Dealer for Business Aviation, which will enable Pro Star to sell and install Starlink’s new advanced aircraft connectivity platform.

Pro Star Aviation Expands Partnership with Williams International
Pro Star Aviation, an innovative aerospace maintenance and modification center, is proud to announce a new contract with Williams International, a renowned manufacturer of gas turbine engines, which expands its Line Maintenance Capabilities.

Pro Star Aviation Announces Promotion of Gerry Latour to Program Sales Manager
Pro Star Aviation, an innovative aerospace modification center, is pleased to announce the promotion of Gerry Latour to the position of Program Sales Manager. Gerry, who has been an integral part of the Pro Star team for over twenty five years, has consistently demonstrated his dedication, expertise, and commitment to the company’s mission.
Pro Star Aviation was established through humble beginnings by five aviation enthusiasts to provide avionics and maintenance services in the Northeast in 1998. From a small hangar to its large modern facilities at MHT today, our principals have remained the same…

Starlink Update: 6 Months In..
In the beginning of 2024, Starlink was in its infancy in the Aviation world. Experts in the business aviation industry had many concerns about how the Starlink system would work in this niche market. Now, just over six months later, several aircraft maintenance companies have had the opportunity to begin to install Starlink into business jets. At Pro Star, we have been able to complete nearly 10 installations since the beginning of the year. In total, there are now over one hundred business jets in the field with Starlink. The early reviews are in, so to speak. The results, across the board, are even better than expected. Some would say they have surpassed the expectations set by the industry after seeing their impressive demonstration at the 2023 NBAA BACE.

“A ‘New Normal’ Calls for A New Service”
At the height of COVID-19, business aviation experienced a boom. Interest was higher than it had been in several years, maybe ever. People still wanted to fly, but now, they wanted to fly privately. With a huge pool of new buyers and a limited number of new aircraft being manufactured, the demand, and therefore price, of these aircraft skyrocketed. Now, according to a recent AINsight article, the prices of pre-owned business planes have stabilized.

The ‘One-Stop’ Shop
Right now, in business aviation, what everybody wants for their aircraft is a ‘one-stop’ shop. On its surface, the idea of the one-stop shop is quite appealing. It’s biggest draw for aircraft owners is the luxury of leaving your airplane in one location to have all the necessary work done in the available downtime window. While price is certainly a determining factor, downtime truly is the number one consideration in business aviation. The idea of leaving the aircraft at a single location to complete the work only sweetens the pot. Oftentimes, the work includes (but is not limited to): maintenance, records research, specialized inspections, avionics upgrades, in-flight connectivity installations, interior refurbishment, paint, aircraft detailing and cleaning.

The Promising Future of Starlink Aviation
Back in April of 2023, I expressed some potential issues about the future of Starlink’s business model for Business aviation. In the months that have followed, however, Starlink has gone out of their way to address many of these issues. Some of these updates were noted by Pro Star at the 2023 NBAA BACE, held in Las Vegas. Now, nearly a year later, Starlink’s future in Business Aviation looks very promising, and they are poised to change the face of In-Flight Connectivity (IFC) as we know it.

2023 NBAA BACE Wrap-Up
Throughout the three-day course of the 2023 NBAA BACE, held at the Las Vegas Convention Center, Pro Star played a role in some significant updates for business aviation. While I was not personally present this year, Pro Star had both of its regional sales managers, as well as the general manager, in attendance. Despite the smaller than normal attendance contingency in Las Vegas, it still had one of its most, if not the most, productive conventions yet.

FAA Approves Starlink/Nextant STC
In April of this year, I discussed the reservations I had with certain unanswered questions relating to the Starlink system designed for Business Aviation. In the months following, we have seen updates that have clarified some of my concerns. No update, however, has been quite as massive as the announcement made earlier this month. Both Starlink Aviation and Nextant Aerospace have been approved by the FAA to install their connectivity solution on all Gulfstream G650 aircraft.